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  • WANGKemin,CAIJun
    Hebei Journal of Forestry and Orchard Research.
    ThisarticletookYuntaiMountainGeo -Park Museumasacasetoinvesti g ateandevaluatetheinter p retationeffectsb yimp ortance -p erformanceanal y sis( IPA) .Inter p retationeffectswerestudied b y descri p tivestatisticsandIPA g ridfi g ureandtherelationshi p sbetweeninter p retationevaluationandtouristcharacteristicswereex p loredthrou g hcorrela -tionanal y sis.Studiesshowedthattherewasaremarkablecorrelationbetweentheimp or -tanceratin g sofserviceq ualit yandinter p retationboardmaintainin gto g etherwiththesatis -factionevaluation ( referrin gtositelocation,inter p retationboarddesi g nandinformationmaterials) andtouristcharacteristics( i.e.a g eandeducationback g roundetc. ) .Basedontheresults, somesu gg estionswerep ro p osedb yimp rovin gtheq ualit yofservice,enrichin gthet yp esofinter p retation,p lannin gex p lanation boardscientificall y,desi g nin ginformationmaterialsandestablishin gfeedbackchanneletc. , soastop rovidereferencesforitsmana g e -mentanddevelo pmentofg eo -p arkmuseums.
  • TIAN Jun1,LIU Hai-ying1,CHENG Shun1,ZHAO Xiao-yu2
    Hebei Journal of Forestry and Orchard Research.
    By using various calculation methods about ecological efficiency,the ecologicalbenefits were quantized in carbon concentration and oxygen generation,water conservation,micro-climate adjustment,harmful substance reduction in the air and the air quality improvement in the vast Saihanba forestry area of millions mu,thus displaying the positive role ofdealing with global climate changes and improving the air environment quality for this area.Considering the important ecological contributions of the area,the writer gave the consideration and put forward some proposals.
  • Forestry and Ecological Sciences.
    In order to explore the biological characteristics of Spodoptera frugiperda in central and south of Hebei Province, the study collected the Spodoptera frugiperda eggs from the field and simulated the farmland ecological environment in central and south of Hebei Province under the indoor temperature of 24-27 ℃ and relative humidity of 50%-75%, which were raised in captivity. The morphological characteristics and living habits of Spodoptera frugiperda from egg to adult emergence and the corresponding duration were observed and recorded. It was preliminarily confirmed that under the same living environment, the larval growth and development progress were not orderly, and the survival rate was various at different ages, the survival rate at the first and second instars was 100%, the survival rate at sixth instar was 78.33%. The development of female moths was 1-2 days earlier than that of male moths, and it took about 32 days to complete a generation in central and southern Hebei Province. The research had strong regionality and clear pertinence, provided a theoretical basis for the monitoring, early warning and scientific control of the Spodoptera frugiperda in central and southern of Hebei Province.
  • Forestry and Ecological Sciences.
    Trunk sap flow measurement technology based on thermal technology was currently the most important method for estimating tree water consumption.A large number of studies had shown that there was a certain potential error between the measured value and the true value of transpiration during the measurement of individual tree level trunk sap flow.The study summarized the calculation errors that might be caused by wood anatomical structure, spatial heterogeneity characteristics, uncertainty of maximum temperature difference, natural temperature difference, thermal damage from the aspects of biology and physics.The method of TDP measurement error currently and its effect were described, and the selection of correction method measurement error formation mechanism and other research directions were prospected, which provided a reference for realizing the accurate calculation of forest water consumption.
  • Forestry and Ecological Sciences.
    Relocation for poverty alleviation was an important part of China's implementation of targeted poverty relief and poverty alleviation. At present, relocation of the poor in inhospitable areas in China had been transferred to a new stage with follow-up resettlement as the focus. In order to enhance the sustainability of poverty alleviation relocation in inhospitable areas, it was necessary to give a play to the role of government leading, overall planning of industrial development, employment resettlement, community governance and other aspects according to local conditions. Therefore, the study summarized its main methods of follow-up resettlement for poverty alleviation and relocation through field investigations and visited to the poverty alleviation and relocation communities in Fuzeyuan, Laiyuan County, emphasizing on the results obtained in standardizing community management, improving residents' employment, income and sense of integration through the community management, employment resettlement, and cultural construction. Furthermore, the countermeasures and suggestions of 'Party building leaded to women building' and esablished a systematic cultural training system should be put forward to the improvement aspects of the community of living environment, women's employment, cultural construction, income security, etc. In conclusion, the aim was to provide reference for the relocation and resettlement work around the country, and to provide case references for ensuring that the poverty population could move out, live stably, and become rich.
  • Forestry and Ecological Sciences.
    To understand the harm of Hyphantria cunea to the Xiongan New Area, the study selected 90 standard plots in the Xiongan New Area to investigate the host species and the extent of the damage caused by Hyphantria vulgaris, the standard survey method was mainly used to carry out random sampling through the combination of diagonal sampling and 'Z' shape sampling, found that pewter was the most serious damage. As a result of,we also systematically investigated the damage of 53 pewter standard sites in the Xiongan New Area, analyzed the damage degree and the cause of the occurrence, and conducted a risk assessment. The results showed that the Hyphantria cunea was generally harmful to the Fraxinus chinensis,and the more serious standard land was mainly affected by the surrounding tree species, its own diseases, and the location surrounding environment. Because the pest had phototaxis, the damage was more serious in the southwest. Its risk R value was 2.23, which was a highly dangerous forestry pest in this area. The investigation provided a basis for the effective prevention and control of the pest, provided a basis for the Xiongan New Area to formulate the pest detection and management countermeasures.
  • CHENG Wuqun,BO Qiuyu,SUN Tong
    Forestry and Ecological Sciences.
    Baiyangdian is the largest shallow lake wetland in the north China plain.It is veryimportant to study the ecological environment changes in Baiyangdian river basin for keepingthe ecological balance of the north China plain and the construction of the Xiongan New Area.Baiyangdian has been harnessed by the governance of many dynasties in history.The currentbasic pattern of Baiyangdian wetland was formed under the construction during the Qing dynasty.In this study,in order to provides a theoretical basis for the restoration of Baiyangdian environmental ecosystem and the construction of flood prevention engineering system inXiongan New Area,the data and information in related results about influential factors andchange law in Baiyangdian was analyzed by the method of mathematical statistics,a comprehensive research was performed to reveal the Baiyangdian historical change trend in a perspective of water resources,water quality,ecological and social production systems etc.In further,therelationship between Baiyangdian ecological environment quality and the construction of XionganNew Area was explored.It was argued that the construction of the Xiongan New Area should notonly consider to transform the environment ecosystem with Baiyangdian as the core,but also to integrate into the system since these two aspects are mutually restricted.
  • SUN Zhi-gang1,2,ZHANG Jian-cheng1,WANG Peng-fei 1,DU Jun-jie1
    Hebei Journal of Forestry and Orchard Research.
    The fruit color is an important index to decide the merchandise value of fruit.anthocyanin which is one of the most important pigments for the fruits.The biosynthesis andaccumulation of anthocyanin are regulated by internal and external factors.The recent research on fruit anthocyanin biosynthesis is summarized in this article.The factors on thesynthesis of anthocyanin are introduced.The technological measures to increase anthocyanincontent of fruit are summarized.We also propose the problems that need to be discussed andresolved in future.
  • HANJin g,WANGZhi gang,NIEQingjuan,LIULibing,MALihu
    Hebei Journal of Forestry and Orchard Research.
    Inthisresearch, thewaterfrontp arkinHutouriverecolo g icalrecreationalareaofShi j iazhuan gcit ywastakenastheob j ect, andtheg eo g ra p hicconditions, sitefeatures, natu -r alresources, surroundin genvironmentandotherbasicinformationofthep arkwerecollect -e dandanal y zedforthelandsca p edesi g n.Combinedwiththeoverallp lannin gofHutuoriverresort, takin gtheecolo g icaldesi g np hiloso p h yastheg uidin gideolo gy, thewaterfrontp arkwasdesi g nedasanatural -s t y leurbanwaterfrontlandsca p ewith “ oneline,onearea,fourdistricts, andninekin gsceneries” .Thesitedesi g nwasinharmon ywiththeexternalenvi -r onmentandbese p aratedintofourareas: flowersviewin garea,q uietrecreationarea,eco -l o g icalwetlandarea, ands p ortsarea.Ninekin gdesi g nswerecreatedbasedontheconsidera -t ionofsitecharacteristics, andtomeettheex p ectationoffunctional , ecolo g ical, andh y dro -p h ilicfeatures, formin gacontinuouslandsca p elinecombinedwiththestatic -d y n amicfunc -t ionsandlandsca p e -e colo g icalfeatures.Thep arkp lantcultivationfollowedthep rinci p leof “ a d j ustin gmeasurestolocalconditions, andmatchin gs p ecieswiththesite”b yusin gnaturalformsofp lantin g.TheShi j iazhuan gHutuoecolo g icalwaterfrontp arkwillbedesi g nedasasetofecolo g ical, recreational , andcultural landsca p e, imp rovin gthere g ionalclimateandthelifeq ualit yofresidents.
  • Forestry and Ecological Sciences.

    Forest was an ideal place for restoration,building a good forest environment was of great importance to the restoration of public health.Taking the larch forest in Saihanba Mechanized Forestry Farm as the research object,based on 40 survey plots,through the design of scale and the method of mathematical statistical analysis,the study evaluated the restorative effect and beauty degree of the forest landscape,and explored the relationship between the restorative effect,beauty degree and stand structure index.The results showed that there was no significant difference in the restorative effect between pure larch forest and mixed birch forest(P>0.05),but there were great differences in the restorative effect between different areas.The mean and standard deviation of the restorative effect were 7.126 and 25.123,respectively.There was a significant correlation between restorative effect and beauty(P<0.01).The restorative effect and beauty degree were significantly correlated with average tree height and density(P<0.01).It was significantly correlated with canopy density,lower wood height and DBH variation coefficient(P<0.05).

  • Forestry and Ecological Sciences.
    In order to apply ISSR molecular marker to the study of Clematis genetic diversity, germplasm identification and genetic fingerprint construction, the L9(34) orthogonal experiment design was adopted, four main factors affecting the amplification reaction were optimized, including four factors, DNA template concentration, primer concentration, Master Mix and PCR cycle number, four main factors affecting the amplification reaction were optimized, the ISSR-PCR reaction system suitable for Clematis was obtained. The results showed that in the 25 μL reaction system, the optimal ratio of all factors was as followed: Template DNA dosage was 40 ng/25 μL, primer concentration was 6 μmol/L, Master Mix dosage was 14 μL/25 μL, and the number of cycles was 40. The genetic fingerprints of 17 Clematis were constructed by using the optimized ISSR system. Optimization of ISSR-PCR reaction system in Clematis would provide a theoretical basis for the evaluation of genetic diversity, genetic fingerprinting construction of Clematis and molecular marker assisted breeding.The construction of fingerprint could effectively distinguish and identify the 17 Clematis.
  • Forestry and Ecological Sciences.
    In order to explore the invasive patterns of dien plants and its relation ship with road ecosystem during highway construction.In the study, invasive pattern of alien species Eupatorium adenophorum in Pinus yunnanensis forest along roadsides in Mid-Yunnan was investigated and the effects on community properties and soil nutrients were also analyzed. The results showed that :(1) The E.adenophorum was mainly distributed within 5-20 m from the road, and there were significant effects of the distance from road on number of clusters, cluster area, height, and coverage of E.adenophorum.(2) With the invasion density increased, community-weighted mean(CWM) of P.yunnanensis showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing, while the understory plant diversity and functional richness(FRic) displayed the significant decrease trend. In addition, the trend of first increasing and then decreasing was also found on the concentration of soil organic carbon(SOC) and total nitrogen(TN) along the gradient of invasion. The highest concentrations of SOC and TN were found under 40% coverage of E.adenophorum.(3) The results of path analysis showed that the comprehensive effect coefficient of understory community on SOC was the highest, which was-0.527. The coefficients of coverage of invasion and CWM of P.yunnanensis on soil TN were higher, which were-0.698 and 0.759, respectively. Moreover, coverage of invasion had the highest effect coefficient on soil total phosphorus, which was 0.681. The above results indicated that the spread of E.adenophorum caused by road construction could affect the process and function of the soil ecosystem through a variety of ways. Therefore, in the process of road construction in central Yunnan, control of invasion and improvement of community composition and structure under P.yunnanensis forest would play an important role in the health of road ecosystems.
  • Forestry and Ecological Sciences.
    In order to investigate the fruiting situation of the natural distribution population of Bretschneidera sinensis, the distribution of young trees with different age grades and the environmental factors that affected the growth of young trees in different periods, the static life table of the population was prepared by using ramet, and the survival situation of the population in the community competition was analyzed by using environmental sieve. Seed regeneration was used to compile fertility table, and seed reproduction and reproductive ecology were used to analyze population growth force and main factors affecting population growth. The linear regression model of factor variables was used to analyze and screen the main factors affecting the population growth process. The results showed that the deficiency of seed safety island and the deep dormancy of seed for inhibiting sprout of seed, the first and second year seedlings had weak resistance to pests and diseases, which leaded to poor reproductive growth of the species and maked the population in a vulnerable state in natural competition. The model research of population dynamic increasing indicated that the effects of influencing population increasing put up the population age>crown density>soil humidity>vegetation density>population density>slop. The growth period of sapling was longer during the natural renewal and the individual over 30 years could not enter into the engender condition, the seed of engender mother-tree was of the abundant year and the deficient year, the interval period was between 3 to 4 years, which observably influenced the natural regeneration.
  • YAO Danyang1,DONG Xueting2
    Forestry and Ecological Sciences.
    In order to protect effectively the understory plant resources,diversity indices,including species richness,important value,Simpson index,evenness index etc.,were used toanalyze woody and herbaceous plants diversity of five forest types in Saihanba National Nature Reserve.Results indicated that the understory plant diversity was much higher in broadleaved forests(53±7.000)than in coniferous forests(34±7.071)in the study area.Forherbaceous plant species,Simpson and Shannon-Wiener indices were the highest in Quercusmongolicaforests(0.88and 2.58)and the lowest in Picea meyeri forests(0.62and 1.41),respectively.For woody plant species,Simpson and Shannon-Wiener indices were the highest in Populus davidianaforests(0.52and 0.97)and the lowest in Quercus mongolicaforests(0.12and 0.20),respectively.The above results were attributed to the differences in termsof tree species composition,stand density and management mode between broad-leaved andconiferous forests.The diversity of woody plants was lower than that of herbaceous plants indifferent forest types.Species diversity was largely determined by herbaceous plants in forestcommunities.Accordingly,some works such as reasonable pruning and regular tending forconiferous plantations,strict conservation and improvement of natural regeneration for natural broad-leaved forests,are indispensable in effective protection of the understory plant resources in the study area.
  • Q IYan g,WANGLi j un
    Hebei Journal of Forestry and Orchard Research.
    Withthedevelo pmentofeconomy, scienceandtechnolo gy,whenp eo p leen j o ytherichmaterialresourcesthe yp a ymoreattentiontotheecolo g icallandsca p econstruction.Atp resentChinesewaterfrontdesi g nwithsomelimitations, includin glandsca p ep lannin g, eco -lo g icalp rotectionandculture -sha p in g,wasfoundthrou g htheliteratureresearchandfieldsurve y.Thisarticleismainl ytoresearchthemeansandreasonabledesi g ncountermeasureinecolo g icalcit yconstruction.Basedontheinte g ral,artisticandenvironmentalp rotection,awaterfronts p acedesi g nwithecolo g icalization,continuit yandfunctionaldiversit ywasp ro -p osed,p rovidin greferencesforwaterfrontdesi g n.
  • Forestry and Ecological Sciences.
    In order to understand the effects of different land use patterns on soil chemical properties in Bashang area, northwest of Hebei Province, the soil chemical properties of four land use patterns(enclosed forest land, enclosed deforested lands, unenclosed forest land and farmland) in this area were analyzed. The results showed that the pH of farmland was 7.5 to 8.5, which significantly higher than that of other three land use methods(6.5-7.5)(P<0.05). The farmland was significantly higher than the three forest lands in organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total potassium and available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium(P<0.05). The nutrient contents in the surface soil(0-10 cm) of the two closed forests were significantly higher than those in the unenclosed forests(P<0.05), but there was no significant difference in the deep soil. Land use types had a significant impact on the vertical distribution of soil nutrients. The soil nutrients in farmland decreased firstly and then increased along the soil depth like the V-shaped, except for available phosphorus. The soil nutrients of the three forest lands decreased with the increase of soil depth like the L-shaped, and the inflection point was in 10-20 cm soil layer. From the above results, it was concluded that land use types influences the soil nutrient content and its spatial distribution significantly. The farmland was obviously higher than three kinds of forest lands in different soil nutrients content because of fertilization, but salinization was happened in farmland. The enclosure could obviously improve the nutrients content of surface soil of forest lands, and had little effect on deep soil.
  • Forestry and Ecological Sciences.
    The germination characteristics of Coreopsis bigelovii and Coreopsis basalis under different concentrations of NaCl and PEG-6000 simulated drought stress were studied.The results showed that the germination rate, germination potential and other index reduced to different degrees with the increase of solution concentration. When the PEG-6000 concentration was less than 15%, the germination rate of two kinds of Coreopsis was more than 80%. But when the concentration of PEG-6000 solution was 25%, the germination rates of the kinds of Coreopsis were 10.7% and 50%, which were significantly different from the control group. In NaCl solution treatment, the germination rate and germination potential of the control group were significantly higher than those of the other groups.When the concentration of NaCl solution was less than 6 g/L, the germination rates of both species were higher than 70%.When the NaCl solution was higher than 8 g/L, the indexes of the two species were significantly reduced, and the seedlings could not grow normally. In conclusion, two species of Coreopsis had good salt-alkali resistance and drought resistance, and had high development potential in landscape application of arid or salt-alkali land.
  • Forestry and Ecological Sciences.

    In order to explore the effect of climate change on tree radial growth of Larix principis-rupprechtii natural forest,traditional dendrology methods was used to analyze the correlation between the ring-width index of L.principis-rupprechtii and meteorological elements both before and after rapid warming in Saihanba Forestry Farm.The results showed that the dramatic and abrupt warming happened around 1987 in Saihanba Forestry Farm.From 1950 to 1987,the radial growth responded significantly positively to the maximum temperature from May to July.While from 1987 to 2018,the tree ring index of L.principis-rupprechtii showed“divergent response”.Tree radial growth was significantly negatively correlated with the maximum temperature in May and June.After 1987,the negative correlation between tree radial growth and the maximum temperature in August and September was extremely significant.In 1987-2018,it showed positive correlation with the precipitation in July.After the abrupt warming,L.principis-rupprechtii was subjected to drought stress in both the early growing season and the growing season in Saihanba area.

  • Forestry and Ecological Sciences.

    Tending thinning was one of the important measures of forest management.Reasonable thinning could optimize stand structure,improve understory environment and forest productivity and stability.In the study,the tree growth,biological diversity and natural regeneration between thin and non-thin forests(natural reserves)was analyzed based on the Larix principis-rupprechtii and Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica plantation in Saihanba Mechanized Forestry Farm in Hebei Province.The results showed that of the mean increment of diameter at breast height (DBH) in thin forest of Larix principis-rupprechtii planation was 0.72 cm,which increased by 53.2% than non-thin forest.The DBH of Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica plantation in intercropping area increased by 0.59 cm annually,25.5% higher than that in nonintercropping area.The Shannon-Wiener index,Simpson index、Pielou index and Margalef index in thin forest were averagely 159.2%,185.3%,185.9% and 108.4% greater than non-thin forest.The regeneration species and number of seedlings and young trees in thinning area were significantly higher than that in nonthin forest.Among them,the regeneration species,number of seedlings and young trees in Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica plantation were higher than that in Larix principis-rupprechtii plantation.It could be seen that moderately thinning of the unmanaged plantation in the nature reserve played an important role in improving forest productivity,maintaining biodiversity and promoting positive forest succession.

  • ZHANGErlian g,GONGYu,CHENYon gj un,RENGuan gy u,GUO Wan j un
    Hebei Journal of Forestry and Orchard Research.
    Inordertofurtherstud ytheg rowthp atternofL arixp r inci p is - r u pp rechtiie s p e -c iall yata g ebetween40-80a, andp rovidebasicinformationforthecultivationoflar g edi -ameterofL arixp r inci p is - r u pp rechtii,d ifferentannualtreehei g htandDBHof0-80aL.p r inci p is - r u pp rechtiiw erestudiedthrou g htheanal y sisofg rowthrin gwidthandrin gbran -c hes.Theresultsshowedthat, the <80aNorthChinaLarchdiameterstandsbasicall yatrelativel ystableg rowth.Althou g htheDBH g rowthincrementof >60alarchdecreasedsomewhat, itstillcouldreach0.5cmp ery ear.50aNorthChinalarchstartedtodecreaseitsg rowin gvolumesi g nificantl y, but70-80alarchstillke p tthebasicannualg rowthofaround0.2m.